Special Tours
We also offer a variety of special tour packages. If you wonder why it is called special tours, it is mainly because these tour packages include activities and events that are very popular with visitors. Tourists who had been with us on these tours had an amazing time in Bhutan. Join us for the special tours, and we will make every effort to ensure that you have a wonderful and meaningful time in this land of happiness.
Snowman Trek in Bhutan - 28 Days | 27 Nights
Snowman trek in Bhutan is one of the most demanding and the…
Bhutan Snowman Run Tour - 14 Days | 13 Nights
Today, Bhutan present sporting fans and spectators from all around the world…
Laya Run/ Highlander Festival Tour - 10 Days | 9 Nights
The most popular highland festival takes place in Laya, a village located…
Jumolhari Mountain Festival Tour - 12 Days | 11 Nights
Jomolhari Mountain Festival is an annual two days festival event that takes…
Tour of the Dragon bike race - 9 days | 8 Nights
Amongst many sporting events and initiatives thus so far organized in Bhutan,…
Bhutan International Marathon Tour - 7 Days | 6 Nights
Bhutan International Marathon is divided into two categories: 42-kilometre Full Marathon from…