
Punakha Dromchoe Festival Tour - 7 Days | 6 Nights

Punakha Dromchoe Festival showcased the construction of Punakha Dzong  by the  Zhabdrung…

Laya Run/ Highlander Festival Tour - 10 Days | 9 Nights

The most popular highland festival takes place in Laya, a village located…

Jambay Lhakhang Drub Festival Tour - 11 Days | 10 Nights

The five day Jambay Lakhang Festival is held at Jambay Lakhang in…

Merak Sakten Trek - 18 Days | 17 Nights

The people living in Merak Sakten area are semi nomadic yak herders…

Haa Nub Tshonapata Trek - 9 days | 8 Nights

Journey takes you through rich forest of flora and fauna offering breathtaking…

Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek - 9 Days | 8 Nights

On this trek you will see stunning view of the entire Himalayan…